Sustainability kick-off event in Landau

On 24.05.23, from 12-13.30, our sustainability kick-off event took place in bright sunshine on the Künstlerwiese at RPTU in Landau.

Prof. Dr. Ralf B. Schäfer, Vice President of RPTU in Landau for Research, Sustainability, Digitization and Young Talent, reported on our goals for a more sustainable university, the Sustainability Team Landau with Julia Jawhari, Sustainability Officer, and the students of the Green Office introduced themselves to the university members present. At the same time, we announced our participation formats in the area of sustainability:

  • Ideas mailbox
  • Sustainability workshop (online): July 5, 12 noon (invitation to follow by circular email)
  • Working groups (information will be provided on July 5)


With the three questions: "What problems have you noticed?", "What would you like to see?" and "What is your utopia?", ideas for sustainability at RPTU were collected with all participants. The clustered ideas will soon be available on our website.



Sustainability kick-off event Kaiserslautern

15.06.23, from 12-13.30 at the Amphitheater (between building 44/46 and Mensa)