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The Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize is regarded as the most important award in Germany for researchers in the early stages of their careers. As the German…
The Venture Dates on July 12, 2023 offer a platform for start-ups from the region that want to get in touch with potential investors directly. They…
Researchers from the Rhineland-Palatinate University of Technology Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) have been awarded the "Sustainability Prize of the…
The Circle of Friends of TU Kaiserslautern, as it is still called according to its statutes, promotes innovations and ideas that arise at the…
Are robots moral agents and therefore capable of carrying out moral actions? And what is the point of talking about robots as objects of moral action…
It is not only artificial intelligence and encryption technologies that owe their existence to mathematics. The scientific discipline is a key…