The ideas, wishes and suggestions from our sustainability kick-off event for employees and students at RPTU in Landau on May 23 confirm the strategic…
We promote sustainable development at all levels of our university - in research, teaching, transfer, operations, governance and the university community. As a place of cutting-edge research and excellent academic education, we see ourselves as a role model and assume social responsibility with the aim of contributing to a liveable and fair future for generations to come. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations form our frame of reference.
"Sustainability is the fundamental core value of our university organization. In particular, we are committed to the goals of Agenda 2030."
From the RPTU mission statement
Advancing sustainability within our university and through transfer to society is a continuous process that we view from a whole-institution approach. In doing so, we anchor the ecological, economic and social dimensions of the topic in the foundations of our university and involve all university members.
We are also committed to the Rhineland-Palatinate State Climate Protection Act (LKSG), which stipulates climate neutrality for the state administration by 2030.
RPTU conducts research on specific sustainability issues and in various areas of sustainable development. We are constantly expanding these areas, including through interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaborations. Within our research activities, we are increasingly trying to take sustainability principles into account, thereby fulfilling our responsibility for the development of sustainability in society as a whole.
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and sustainability-related degree programs are already firmly established at RPTU. In the long term, topics relating to sustainability are to be incorporated even more broadly into all degree courses. The ESD expertise of our teaching staff is continuously promoted and further developed. Competence-oriented teaching and learning concepts enable students to help shape the teaching and learning processes. Individual sustainability modules supplement the sustainability curriculum.
Sustainability also plays a major role in the transfer area , for example in the mediation of contacts in business, society and politics, in the application of specific research results, within patents or at the start-up consultancy. As a university, we are addressing the pressing sustainability issues of our time in social discourse.
Our students are involved in student initiatives on sustainability, both within our university and beyond. They are committed to sustainable development, sustainability issues in teaching and sustainable university operations. And they are involved - in our Green Offices, as student assistants or volunteer student employees, in student self-administration and in committees or working groups on sustainability.
Transformation processes towards sustainability can only be realized with a motivated and active university community. It requires the participation of as many status groups as possible. In turn, the university community benefits from a more sustainable organization. To achieve this, we rely on various participation formats and regular communication on sustainability issues within our organization.
We are gradually establishing a systematic sustainability management system for our university operations. Our aim is to make all key areas of university operations - energy, mobility, waste and procurement - more sustainable. We are committed to transforming RPTU to climate neutrality in the coming years.
Ideas mailbox
If you are studying or working at RPTU and have ideas or suggestions for sustainability at RPTU in Kaiserslautern or Landau, please send us an e-mail.
Green Office
Green Offices are coordination offices for sustainability at universities in teaching, research, operations, governance and transfer.
The Green Office has existed at RPTU in Landau since 2018. Originally created as a purely student initiative, the team consists of our sustainability officer for Landau and students.
The Green Office is currently being set up at RPTU in Kaiserslautern. It replaces the Sustainability Office, which has existed since 2016. The team consists of our Sustainability Officer for Kaiserslautern and students.
Both Green Offices cooperate and coordinate closely on all matters relating to sustainability at RPTU.
On 24.05.23, from 12-13.30, our sustainability kick-off event took place in bright sunshine on the Künstlerwiese at RPTU in Landau.
The Green Office in Kaiserslautern has been re-established. Now there is once again a contact and coordination point where students and employees can…