Unit 2 - Research is the central service point for national and international third-party funding in research. We offer tailored advice and support in the initiation, acquisition and implementation of third-party funded research projects. We support you in research data management together with the University Library and the Regional University Computing Center (RHRZ).
Our service at a glance:
- Regular information on calls for proposals via the newsletter RPTU-Förderinfo Forschung und Transfer
- Targeted research on calls for project ideas
- Initiation of cross-campus projects
- Application support for coordinated programs and EU-funded projects
- Review of applications
apl. Prof. Dr. Marcus J. Naumer
Cross-campus cooperation in the field of research & cross-border networks
Office for Research
We are RPTU’s central support facility for national and international research funding (third-party).
The Office for Research (Referat 2 - Forschung) is the central support facility for national and international third-party research funding. We provide tailored advice and support for the initiation, acquisition and realization of externally funded projects regarding all fields of research. Together with the University Library (Universitätsbibliothek, UB) and the Computing Center (Regionales Hoschulrechenzentrum, RHRK) we support you in research data management at RPTU .
Our service offer at a glance:
- Regular information on calls for proposals via the our newsletter
- Individual research on calls for project ideas
- Initiation of cross-campus projects
- Application support for coordinated programs and EU-funded projects
- Proofreading of applications
apl. Prof. Dr. Marcus J. Naumer
Cross-campus cooperation in research & cross-border networks
National Research Affairs
Good scientific practice, research data management