Closing event EurIdentity Certificate and Annual Conference on Higher Education and Research in the Greater Region

The University of the Greater Region (UniGR) and the University of Luxembourg organized the final event of the Erasmus+ project "EurIdentity Certificate" and the Annual Conference on Higher Education and Research in the Greater Region on 27 June 2023 at the Campus Belval in Esch-sur-Alzette.
Teachers, students and university officials came together on the podium in the morning to present the new "EurIdentity" certificate, which was jointly developed by the seven partner universities of the UniGR (see below). From the winter semester 2023/2024, this additional qualification will enable all students, regardless of their subject, to acquire basic European knowledge and intercultural skills.
Kyrylo Yeroshkin, a student at the University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland) and Erasmus+ student at Saarland University, describes his experience as follows: "For me, studying in Europe without borders means freedom, diversity and international networking, which I was able to experience as part of the EurIdentity Certificate. In addition to the knowledge I gained about Europe, I was also able to make new contacts in the Greater Region".
At the conference, the challenges and best practices related to the joint development and implementation of this single certificate were discussed. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Jäckel, President of the University of the Greater Region and the University of Trier, explained: "Thanks to the mutual trust and the long tradition of cooperation between the partner universities of the UniGR, we have succeeded in overcoming the pedagogical, technological and administrative challenges in the development of this certificate, which is now exemplary for European university alliances, within three years".
The afternoon was dedicated to the regional impact of European Universities and similar higher education alliances as part of the second edition of the Annual Conference on Higher Education and Research in the Greater Region. The presidents and vice-presidents of six European university alliances involving universities from the Greater Region and the Upper Rhine (UNIC, Transform4Europe, UNIVERSEH, EURECA-PRO, EUCOR and UniGR) exchanged views on the challenges and strengths of these university alliances for regional development.
Short video of the event:
Santander mobility promotion - expansion and extension of the call for tenders
The call for applications for the Santander mobility scholarship of €350 has been extended and expanded to 31.07.2023. All students and doctoral candidates who were enrolled at one of the UniGR partner universities (University of Lorraine, University of Luxembourg, University of Liège, University of Trier, Saarland University, htw saar) in the current semester as well as in previous semesters can now apply.
Further information on the call for applications can be found here.
Mobility scholarships for UniGR students and doctoral candidates
Santander Bank is offering eight international mobility scholarships of €350 each for the first time in the summer semester 2023. The mobility scholarship is open to all students and doctoral candidates at RPTU who have enrolled as a UniGR student in one of the following three UniGR partner universities in the summer semester 2023 and in the previous semesters: Université de Lorraine, University of Luxembourg, Université de Liège.
The application deadline is 10.07.2023.
Further information on the scholarship and the application modalities can be found here.