Exchange Outgoing

Studying abroad lets you experience other life styles and gives you an opportunity to view your own country from a different perspective.

Furthermore, your language abilities will improve, you can expand your professional knowledge, and you will bring home a wealth of personal experience.

These pages are directed at students who want to learn what opportunities exist and how to pursue their studies abroad in Europe or overseas.


Referat Internationale Angelegenheiten

RPTU Kaiserslautern

Geb. 47, Raum 626
67663 Kaiserslautern


0631 205-4370

(Studium in außereuropäischen Ländern)

0631 205-4914

(Studium in Europa)


RPTU Landau

Gebäude K, Raum 1.25
76829 Landau


Jutta Bohn

06341 280 37169


RPTU Kaiserslautern

persönlich: Di - Do 10 - 12 Uhr

telefonisch: Mo + Fr 10 - 12 Uhr, Mi 14 - 15 Uhr


RPTU Landau

nach Vereinbarung (per E-Mail)


This page gives an overview of the opportunities to study abroad


This page provides information for students who want to do an internship abroad

Für Mitarbeiter

This page informs about the exchange opportunities for academic & non-academic employees of TU Kaiserslautern

RefIntA International Day

This page provides information about the International Day of ISGS: an information fair regarding study abroad options