10. Mai 2019 “Hochform”-scholarships for master students coming from refugee regions & proving C1 German Language skillsApplication Deadline: Sept. 11 Weiterlesen
06. Mai 2019 TUK has committed to the "Directive for a respectful cooperation"Find out what this means to you... Weiterlesen
12. April 2019 TUK 12 times first-ranked in the ISB 2018!Thanks to the feedback of our international students! Weiterlesen
11. April 2019 DAAD-Scholarships for the program “Russia in practice” (comprising a study modul at the Higher School of Economics Moscow & an internship)Application Deadline: May 26, 2019 Weiterlesen
27. Februar 2019 JSPS Postdoctoral FellowshipFor PhDs & Postdocs planning a research stay in Japan Weiterlesen
20. Februar 2019 Scientific Exchange Scholarships for PhD Studentswithin the PROM Program of our polish partner university Weiterlesen