ISGS Career Service
Towards the end of one's studies or research activities many questions concerning the future professional career arise. The Department of International Affairs: ISGS wants to accompany its international Master & PhD Students on their way from university to labour market by pointing out options of further education and personal development. The ISGS Career Service aims at facilitating your job entry in the German Business context by offering the following services:
Dr.-Ing. Parya Memar, Managing Director of the Department of International Affairs: ISGS, offers individual counseling concerning the question how to finance research or further education.
For appointments, please contact:
Phone: ++49 (0)631 205 4998
E-Mail: isgs[at]
ISGS conveys announcements regarding job & traineeship offers via:
- The Newsroom
- Social Media Posts-> Facebook-Page
In order to stay updated about job-postings, like our Facebook!
Helping you to acquire necessary scientific & academic skills to boost your degree for your upcoming job entry, ISGS offers further education workshops & seminars on a regular basis:
- Networking Dialogs with Executives from Science & Industry
- Workshops for PhD Students & Scientific Staff
- Intercultural Weekends
- Industrial Visits & Excursions
- Doktorandenforum
- Job Application Series
For all upcoming professional trainings please check our Event-Calender!
Within its Job Application Series, ISGS together with qualified external Business-Coaches organizes the interactive Workshop:"How to get invited for a Job interview in Germany"
The objective of this German-Business-Culture-Workshop is to sensibilize international Master & PhD students for the needs of the German Job Market and the expectations of German Recruiters.
Aiming at facilitating their job entry the seminar gives concrete hints and practical advice on how to optimize their:
- motivation letter
- CV
- preparation for a job interview
for the German Business Context. The final goal of this coaching session is to help international students to stand out from the crowd with their optimized application documents in order to boost their career start in Germany.
The next Workshop: How to get invited for a job Interview in Germany will be announced in the
the Calender!
After finishing your studies, a lot of questions concerning your future working life in Germany can arise.
One of them will for sure be linked to the possible payment that you can earn working in Germany.
Recent statistics on current average gross salaries in Germany can be found online by using key words such as "Gehaltsvergleich". Information on current average gross starting salaries for graduates can be checked via key words such as "Absolventengehälter".
Student Job Portals of RPTU:
- RefIntA Student Assistant Jobs
- RPTU Career Center
- RPTU Hiwi-Job-Portal
- Studierendenwerk RPTU Job Exchange Service
- Computer Science-Job Portal of FIT (Förderverein der Informatik an der RPTU)
Further Career Links of RPTU:
- Alumni Association of the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau (German)
- Distance Education in Kaiserslautern & in Germany
- Campus Kultur, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau (German)
- Language Training, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau (German)
- Career Networking Fairs in Kaiserslautern: Bonding (German) & Treffpunkt (German)
- Information on Formation & Establishment at the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau (German)
Career Offers @ RPTU:
- for Graduates
Branch Office of the Federal Employment Agency
(Agentur für Arbeit) at RPTU
Erwin-Schrödinger-Str. 30, 67663 Kaiserslautern
Tel.: +49 (631) 3641-158 | Service-Hotline: 0 800 4 55 55 00
External links: