You can see a picture with three different motives fading into each other. On the left you can see an animated way of displaying data. In the middle one you can see some kind of mechanical construct. On the right one you can see some kind of pressure indicators.

Research within a network of high profile research institutes

In keeping with German tradition, research-based technical and scientific education is at the core of our activity.

A cluster of prestigious federal research institutes located in the vicinity is intensively affiliated to the university. Among the renowned institutes of the Science & Innovation Alliance Kaiserslautern  our students can find three Fraunhofer-Institutes, the Max-Planck-Institute, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, and the Institute for Compositie Materials, all of which are situated either directly on or near campus.

The aspect of orientation to applied research is emphasized by an established cooperation with international and German industries. These joint ventures with well-known partners help the university to establish additional, modern infrastructure and to create the optimal starting conditions for junior researchers to achieve top performances.

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