Das Weiterbildungsangebot der RPTU ist vielfältig. Es reicht von Sprach- und EDV-Kursen bis hin zu postgradualen Studienprogrammen. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, sich neben Studium, Beruf und Familie zusätzlich zu qualifizieren und fachlich weiterzuentwickeln!

DISC – Distance and Independent Studies Center
ISGS – Master und Promotionsprogramme
IUW – Interuniversitäre Weiterbildung

RHRK – Regionales Hochschulrechenzentrum Kaiserslautern (RHRK)
Universitätsbibliothek – Fit to study 

VKB – Sprachkurse 
Zentrale Dienste (HA Z.1) Services zu Fort- und Weiterbildungen, Organisation von Inhouse-Schulungen

Mentoring-Programme für Frauen

Um Studienanfängerinnen und Studentinnen der ersten Fachsemester den Start an der Hochschule zu erleichtern bietet die RPTU ein kostenloses Mentoring an. Dieses ist pro Durchgang auf die Dauer von zwei Semestern angelegt und startet jährlich zu Beginn des Wintersemesters. 

Mentoring für Studentinnen

Auch in universitären Führungspositionen sind Frauen immer noch unterrepräsentiert. Die RPTU hat deshalb die Chance des Mentoring als Nachwuchsförderungs- und Personalentwicklungsmaßnahme entdeckt, um hochqualifizierten Frauen den Weg in die Führungsetagen zu ebnen.

Mentoring für Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen

Job offers and advanced training

TU Kaiserlautern´s offers of advanced training are comprehensive and diverse. They range from language and IT courses to post graduate study programmes. Use the opportunity to obtain an additional qualification, thus developing your skills along with your studies, profession and family!

DISC – Distance and Independent Studies Center
ISGS – Master's and Doctoral Programmes
IUW – Inter-University Advanced Training
RHRK – Regional University Computing Center Kaiserslautern (RHRK)
University Library – Fit for Studying
VKB – Language Courses

Mentoring Programmes for Women

The TU offers mentoring to women students free of charge in order to help them to get a good start in the first semesters at the university and to lay a foundation stone in their pursuit of a profession and their planning for their careers. This mentoring lasts two semesters and starts at the beginning of the winter semester of each year. It is designed for women students of all academic areas.

Mentoring for women students

RPTU has discovered the possibility of mentoring as a way to encourage the upcoming generation and develop human resources in order to pave the way for women into leadership positions.

Mentoring for women scientists

Jobs and Career

The following pages inform you of current job openings at the TU and the various offers for further training parallel to your occupation or studies.

Beyond this, we introduce you to special initiatives and programmes that should assist you with getting started as a student and help with finding contacts in industry that can further your career. We also support those who want to assume leadership positions or even form their own company.

The TU also offers interesting possibilities for persons interested in vocational training. There is a great variety of training courses for numerous occupations both in industrial / technical fields and in the administrative / commercial area.

Vocational Training
Job offers
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