The Office for Research (Referat 2 - Forschung) is the central support facility for national and international third-party research funding. We provide tailored advice and support for the initiation, acquisition and realization of externally funded projects regarding all fields of research. Together with the University Library (Universitätsbibliothek, UB) and the Computing Center (Regionales Hoschulrechenzentrum, RHRK) we support you in research data management at RPTU .
The University Library provides support in all areas of academic publishing. The offer ranges from open access publishing (e.g. advice on suitable journals and licenses, financial support from DFG funds), to various advisory services (e.g. correct citation, avoidance of plagiarism, predictive journals), to the certified repository KLUEDO.
The Office for Transfer, Innovation and Sustainability (Referat 5 - Transfer Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit) is the comprehensive service facility at the interface of science and commerce.
We very much like to advise you personally. In our regular newsletter RPTU-Förderinfo für Forschung und Transfer (in German) we inform all members of RPRPTU about current calls for public third-party funding, as well as awards and events related to science and transfer. Moreover, these databases can provide a first support in identifying appropriate third-party funding options:
ELFI Electronic Research Funding Information System
Association of Donors to German Science
CORDIS European Research Information System
News about EU Funding: Newsletter of the "KOWI"-agency
DFG-GEPRIS database of all DFG-funded projects
Database of the German Ministry for Economy and Energy (BMWK) - all German federal and EU funding programs
Database of federally funded projects
ELFI Servicestelle für elektronische Forschungsförder-Informationen
Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft
CORDIS Forschungs- und Entwicklungsinformationsdienst der EU
Nachrichten zur EU-Forschungsförderung: Newsletter der "KOWI"
DFG-GEPRIS Datenbank zu DFG geförderten Projekten
Förderdatenbank des BMWK - alle Programme des Bundes, der Länder und der EU
Förderkatalog des BMWK und BMBF - Informationen zu vom Bund geförderten Projekten
Internationale Kooperation in Forschung und Bildung - Portal für internationale Zusammenarbeit
Stiftungsindex der Stiftungen in Deutschland