Research Initiative of the Federal State of Rhineland-Palatinate

The Research Initiative (FI) of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, established in 2008 and funded by the Ministry of Science and Health, is a central strategic instrument of RPTU for the development of its research profile. On the one hand, it funds profile areas, meaning internationally established, interdisciplinary research areas in which internationally visible working groups concentrate on a research topic characteristic for the universities resarch profile. On the other hand, potential areas are funded in which scientists from different departments work together on an interdisciplinary basis for a limited period of time in order to develop new research topics.

Initiatives at RPTU during the funding period 2019-2023:

Profile Areas of the FI

AME – Advanced Materials Engineering


including the following subprojects

BioComp – Complex Data Analysis in Life Sciences and Biotechnology

OPTIMAS – Center for Optics and Materials Sciences

Priority Areas of the FI

Affect regulation: processes, interventions and development in clinical and non-clinical populations - ARPID

Artificial Intelligence Enhanced Cognition and Learning

Baustelle der Zukunft – Automatisierung und Digitalisierung

MathApp – Mathematics applied to real-world challenges

NanoKat – Nanostrukturierte Katalysatoren - Systeme für den Rohstoffwandel

SymbTools – Symbolic Tools in Mathematics and their Application

ZNT – Center for Commercial Vehicle Technology

University Priority Areas

Center for Ethics and the Digital Society (CEDIS)

Neurocognitve Development across Livespan (NCode)

Region and City

TU Nachwuchsring

The Nachwuchsring was founded and developed in 2008 as part of the Rhineland-Palatinate research initiative at the Research Centre (CM)². It was supported by the Carl Zeiss Foundation for four years. Since 2014, the TU Nachwuchsring, which continues to be financed by the research initiative of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, has developed from the idea of bringing together young researchers from individual research initiatives. At the end of 2014, the TU Nachwuchsring was strengthened by a management office, which functions as the central contact point for all young researchers in Kaiserslautern in addition being responsible for all administrative tasks.

In the meantime, the TU Nachwuchsring has become well established as part of the promotion of young scientists at the RPTU in Kaiserslauern. The services offered by the TU-Nachwuchsring are directly oriented towards the needs and interests of young scientists at the TUK and range from financial support to a transferrable skills programme tailored to young scientists. This is made possible by doctoral students, postdocs, junior research group leaders, junior professors and tenure-track professors from all departments who continously engage in the development of the various support measures in line with the motto "By and for young scientists".