Industrial Visits & Excursions
The ISGS (RefIntA) offers industrial visits and excursions for interested (post)doctoral students and research assistants. Master students are also allowed to participate, if there are any free places.
For the next Industrial Visits & Excursions:
please refer to the Event-Calender
Please register yourself by paying the fee to Mr. Arthur Harutyunyan (building 36, room 262, daily between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.). The number of participants is limited, first comes first serves.
There are small participation fees because of the transport to the companies and plants. The amounts will be published in the announcements.
Industrial Visits & Excursions
The ISGS (RefIntA) offers industrial visits and excursions for interested (post)doctoral students and research assistants. Master students are also allowed to participate, if there are any free places.
For the next Industrial Visits & Excursions:
please refer to the Event-Calender
Please register yourself by paying the fee to Mr. Arthur Harutyunyan (building 36, room 262, daily between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.). The number of participants is limited, first comes first serves.
There are small participation fees because of the transport to the companies and plants. The amounts will be published in the announcements.