Visa Extension
Since you have only a temporary visa, you are required to apply for a residence permit (visa extension/Visaverlängerung) for study purposes at the Foreigner's Office / Ausländerbehörde in Kaiserslautern within the first three months of your arrival in town.
An appointment with the Ausländerbehörde is necessary. There is also a branch office directly on campus in building 38.
Phone: 0631-365-3123
Fax: 0631-365-3129
Opening hours:
Tue & Thu: 8:30 am - 2:00 pm
Attention! (update: Jan 16, 2014)
The Foreigner's Office has now started a new online system for making appointments.
Choose the respective service(s) you need and the system will tell you where and when you can meet with the Foreigner's office (either in town or on campus). In just a few steps you can make your appointment reservation online and thus save a lot time.
Follow this linkto the online appointment system hosted by Kaiserslautern's city homepage.
Note: only payment by EC-card accepted!
The residence permit for study purposes is usually issued for one year and can be extended until the end of your studies. Therefore, please go to the ISGS keeping enough time in hand before your residence permit expires.
Visa regulations:
If you are a third country national – i.e. not a national of one of the Member States of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland - and you wish to stay in Germany for a longer period of time, then you need a legal basis, the so-called “residence title”.
There are four different residence titles for long-term stays in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Follow this link to the brochure on the legal requirements of residence for third-country nationals of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees for more information!
Visa Extension
Since you have only a temporary visa, you are required to apply for a residence permit (visa extension/Visaverlängerung) for study purposes at the Foreigner's Office / Ausländerbehörde in Kaiserslautern within the first three months of your arrival in town.
An appointment with the Ausländerbehörde is necessary. There is also a branch office directly on campus in building 38.
Phone: 0631-365-3123
Fax: 0631-365-3129
Opening hours:
Tue & Thu: 8:30 am - 2:00 pm
Attention! (update: Jan 16, 2014)
The Foreigner's Office has now started a new online system for making appointments.
Choose the respective service(s) you need and the system will tell you where and when you can meet with the Foreigner's office (either in town or on campus). In just a few steps you can make your appointment reservation online and thus save a lot time.
Follow this linkto the online appointment system hosted by Kaiserslautern's city homepage.
Note: only payment by EC-card accepted!
The residence permit for study purposes is usually issued for one year and can be extended until the end of your studies. Therefore, please go to the ISGS keeping enough time in hand before your residence permit expires.
Visa regulations:
If you are a third country national – i.e. not a national of one of the Member States of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland - and you wish to stay in Germany for a longer period of time, then you need a legal basis, the so-called “residence title”.
There are four different residence titles for long-term stays in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Follow this link to the brochure on the legal requirements of residence for third-country nationals of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees for more information!