The roughly half-hour long meetings of the interdisciplinary PhD students colloquium take place approximately once a month and are intended for German and international PhD students and scientific staff. For each meeting of the colloquium, a group of up to 12 PhD students and one professor is formed. At each meeting in Building 36, Room 262, one PhD student gives an oral presentation – only after registering himself at the ISGS.
As a lecturer you have the opportunity of giving a short presentation on your research project in front of an interdisciplinary audience (10-15 minutes). You will receive constructive feedback from one professor as well as a small group of interdisciplinary PhD researcher’s. The lecture can be held in German or English. As a participant you have the opportunity to give other PhD students constructive feedback and to thereby learn new things yourself. In addition, the researchers and the professor have the opportunity to exchange ideas in a subsequent discussion and gain further experience and ideas in the process. The goal is to enable PhD students and scientific staff to present their research topic to an audience with no knowledge of the subject or research topic. For example, this is necessary at conferences or presentations and in front review panels for research proposals.
As a participant:
If you wish to attend a meeting of the interdisciplinary PhD students colloquium of the ISGS, you should send a binding registration by doktoranden[at] Please pay attention to the deadlines in the invitation. The number of participants is limited, so register as early as possible. Places are still available, and master's students are welcome.
As a presenter:
If you are interested in presenting your topic and to get feedback, please contact us by doktoranden[at] The ISGS has a waiting list for speakers and will contact you to arrange a date.
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About our upcoming PhD-Events & Colloquiums by subscribing to our ISGS-Newsletter via: doktoranden[at]