Within the scope of the Doktoranden-Forum the ISGS offers workshops about the scientific terminology in English and German as well as workshops for all German and foreign PhD students and scientific staff. The workshops are aimed at acquiring skills and qualifications in the areas of human resources development and management, communication, conflict, presentation, etc. You have the possibility to enhance your qualifications in various interdisciplinary areas.
Coming up:
If you would like to be informed as soon as the events go online, please subscribe to our ISGS-Doktoranden-Newsletter via: doktoranden[at]isgs.uni-kl.de
Please indicate your: name, nationality, research start & length, faculty & academic supervisor.
The registration procedures for each workshop can be found in the workshop description. For all workshops, a binding registration is compulsory! The number of participants is limited, so please register as early as possible.
Participation Fee:
The fees vary from workshop to workshop and can be found in the workshop description.
Stay updated!
About our upcoming PhD-Events by subscribing to our ISGS-Newsletter via: doktoranden[at]isgs.uni-kl.de