Not Just for Students...
An exchange abroad is not only possible for students, but also for employees working at RPTU. Academic as well as non-academic staff at RPTU can take advantage of exchange opportunities for the purpose of teaching or training abroad.
You can find more information on exchange possibilities for employees of RPTU on the pages listed below. Feel free to contact the Department of International Affairs if you have any questions or would like to explore your possibilities!
CONTACT Kaiserslautern
Department of International Affairs
Building: 47
Room: 626
67663 sollnichtemerherscheinen
Tel.: 666 205 4914
Tel.: 666 205 4370
Fax: 666 205 3599
9:00 am
- 12:00 pm
O `clock
2:00 pm
- 4:00 pm
O `clock
Konakt für Mitarbeiter:innen am Campus Landau
Referat Internationale Angelegenheiten, Dr. Christian Dorsch
Fortstr. 7
Building: Gebäude I
Room: Raum 5.08
76829 Landau sollnichtemerherscheinen
Tel.: 666 +49 631 +49 6341 280 33249
E-Mail: dorsch[at]